Monday, January 9, 2012

Logitech Revue with Google TV (Refurbished) on Amazon

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to install the applications on Google TV

As most of you may know, the Google TV is updated to 2.0 (Android 3.1) version. In this version, Google TV is totally open enviorment which allows you to install the application in Google TV. However currently only a few apps are available in Android Market.

There are some ways to install the applications outside of Android market. (Side Load)

Prerequisite: Allow installation of non-Market applications
Setting -> Applications -> check the "Unknown sources"

If you don't want to hacker your google TV, you need install the File Expert first from Android market.

1. Use the third part tools to install the applications. such as Dropbox, File Expert(Available in Android Market for TV). Now you can use file manager tools to install the download folder which you may already downloaded from other sites in Chrome.

2. Once you get installed some file manger tools, you can install the third party market app. Such as Amazon Market and some others. (I know some Chinese Market apps which work fine)

3. You could download them from PC and put into Cloud app like Dropbox and install those apps in Dropbox.

Now, enjoy the free world of Android Google TV.
I appreciate your click on the ads on my blog if you find this blog is useful for you. :)

Google TV (Logitech Revue) application review

Recently I got Google TV Logitech Revue. Here I list the apps which could run in Google TV with 3.1 update. Now the price of Logitech Revue is very reasonable. 
Since the Logitech discontinues this product, now it's the best time to get it. Although the apps are not enough for Google TV, it's still a huge potential to get better in the near further. (think about one year before, the situation of Andriod tablet).
It has 2 versions of release for Logitech Revue:
1. Logitech Revue with keyboard.  Click here. Usually 99.99
2. Logitech Revue with keyboard and HD Camera. Click here. Usually 129.99

Sony also offers the Google TV box:
Sony NSZ - GT1 with keyboard and blu-ray disc player.  Click here. Usually 199.99

Almost same stuff, but Sony has a bit faster CPU and more storage plus Blu-Ray player. Since I've already have that and PS3, I just choose logitech revue.
Logitech Revue: 1 GB.
Sony: 8 GB.

The list is collected from GTVHacker and GoogleTVForums as well as I personally tested.

I appreciate your click on the ads on my blog if you find this blog is useful for you. :)

Amazon kindle (Side-load) -Opens nicely but not read anything on it yet.
BibleReader (Side-load)
Brilliant Quotes Free (Side-load)-wise sayings
Daily Bible (Side-load)

Craigslist (Side-load)
Quick Office Pro HD (Side-load)
Google Voice (Side-load)
K9 Email (Side-load) Working email client for G-TV 2.0
Touchdown Email (Side-load)
Yahoo! Mail (Side-load)

ClassyFireplace (Android Market)--wifi is choppy, 5 mbps or better preferred
Clicker (Android Market)
Crunchy Roll (Android Market)
IGN Pro League (Android Market)
Movies (Side-load)
redbox (Side-Load)
Redux (Android Market)
PPTV (Chinese)(Side-Load) Must have app for Google TV (PPS PPStream is force closed right now)
快手TV (Chinese)(Side-Load) Must have app for watching movie on Google TV
腾讯视频HD (For Pad) (Side-Load) (Chinese)

GAMES Arcade
Frogger TV(Android Market) --wifi is choppy, 5 mbps or better preferred

Chess for Android (Android Market)
Syrious Scramble (Android Market)

Live Holdem Poker (side-load)---with screen size issues tho but playable.

Bank of America (side-load)

Launcher Pro (Android Market)

LIFESTYLE: (side-load)-shop for cars nicely!

aVia Media Player (Android Market)
Plex for GTV (Android Market)
Watch TV (Android Market)
Equalizer (Android Market)
Grooveshark (side-load)-No issues reported
Google Music (Android Market)
Slacker Radio (Android Market)
SoundHound (Side-Load)

Google Reader (Android Market)
Engadget (side-load)
News360 (Android Market)
News Republic for GTV (Android Market)
Pulse News (side-load)
Reddit TV (Android Market)
World Newspaper (side-load)

Aquarium Live Wallpaper (Android Market)
BeautifulWidgets (Android Market)

Amazon Mobile (Side-Load)

Google+ (Side-load)
Plume for Twitter (Side-load)
Tapatalk (Side-load)
textplus (Side-load)
Tikl-Touch to Talk (Side-load)
TweetComb (Side-load)
TweetDeck (Side-load)

Liverpool Soccer Page (Side-load)

Advance Task Killer (Android Market)
Adobe AIR (Side-Load)
Android System Info (Android Market)
Astro File Manager (Side-Load)-good file manager to search for apk files on usb then install/launch from there!
appInstaller (Android Market)-u can use this on your table to back up ur apk files and transfer to a flash drive to tv!
Cloud Print (side-load)
Dropbox (side-load)
ES Explorer (Side-Load)
File Expert (Android Market)
File Manager (Side-Load)
isilo - (Side-Load)---Working w/no issues yet
Repligo PDF Reader (Android Market/Amazon)
Root Explorer (side-load)
Task Manager (side-load)
Wifi File Explorer PRO (Side-Load) 

Monday, December 5, 2011


This is the camera I use.  Canon T3i with 18-55 lens. It's also called Canon 600D in Asia market.
I was thinking if I should get a better one like 5D. Or wondering if I should get the red circle lens like 17-40.

I abandoned that idea when I saw a Chinese guy put some thoughts on one blog.
They call 18-55 "dog head". 17-40 "bull head". Here dog means novice and bull means professional.
He said, "The expert using dog head gets great pic. The expert using bull head gets great pic"
"The novice using dog head gets shit pic. The novice using bull head gets good pic"

I don't wanna be the person who rely on the equipment. Or just blame on those equipment when couldn't get a good pic.

I chose the harder way. Get a starter camera with a "Dog head" first. And only get the better one when this one is no longer fit my needs.

Here are what I get for starter:
Canon T3i
18 -55 Lens
55 - 250 Lens (Actually it's not necessary)

First entry

Thinking about to open a new blog for long time.
Too busy, too many other stuff, too complicated... we always have so many excuses which block our way.

Now, it's the start time for me, for this blog. I name it Photo Life just for recording all I got from using my camera.

I'm not the profession photographer. Only got some small rewards when I was 9 yrs.
Thanks for my wife Shasha who forced me to pick up the camera again.